General Terms of Use

1 Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (hereafter referred to as the ‘ToU’) constitute and govern the relationship between ‘Provider’ (defined below) and all parties who access the Website and/or App (defined hereunder) and make use of its features and contents in any manner (hereafter referred to as ‘Visitors’). Collectively the Provider and the Visitors shall be referred to as the ‘Parties’.

2 General

The use of any or all of the features and services offered by the Provider on website and its mobile applications (hereafter referred to as the ‘App’) and the information, materials and links contained therein, is subject to the ToU as set out below. Unless otherwise agreed by the Provider in writing, the ToU constitute the entire relationship between the Provider and the Visitor in its use of the App including any or all of its functions on offer by the App. The Visitor has the duty to read carefully and understand the ToU before using the App. A Visitor who has viewed the App is considered to have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the ToU, without the need for any further act. The Provider hereby reserves the right to suspend, add, end, amend and/or supplement these ToU from time to time as it may deem appropriate. The Provider recommends that the Visitor reads carefully the contents of these pages regularly. By using the App the Visitor agrees to be bound by the ToU, as well as by the latest modifications to them, regardless of whether in fact the Visitor is aware of such modifications. The Provider is under no obligation to verify that all Visitors use the App according to the last updated ToU. The effective version of ToU is that which is posted on the App. The App may only be used for lawful purposes. Use of the App for transmission, distribution, publication or storage of any material on or via the App which is in violation of any applicable law or regulation or any third party's rights is strictly prohibited. This includes (without limitation) the use of the App or the transmission, distribution, publication or storage of any material on or via the App in a matter or for a purpose which infringes copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, is obscene or harmful to minors or constitutes an illegal act or harassment, is libellous or defamatory, violates any privacy or data protection laws, is fraudulent or breaches any exchange control or gambling law. In the event of misuse and/or the abuse of the App, the Provider reserves the right to close or block the Visitor from the App and close any account registered in the Visitor’s name. The Provider retains the right to bring a lawsuit against the Visitor and at its sole discretion.

3 Services

The App provides an interactive web and mobile application/features containing live sports information in sporting events, sports scores in real time, final results, fixtures, line ups and sports statistics. The results, and other statistics information contained on the App, reflect information provided by other independent sources (from third parties) or by in-house effort or by various other official Apps. While every effort is made by the Provider to update the content and match results or other information displayed on the App regularly, we advise to double check information gathered on App also from other sources. The Provider is not responsible for the Visitor’s use of the results and other information contained on the App.

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