- Date
- Player
- Type
- From / To
- Jul 1, 2024
Mark Bushaj
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Sep 22, 2023
Alysson Jordan Santos da Paixão
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2023
Aulon Shabani
- arrow_back loan
KF Llapi
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 19, 2023
Donat Toma
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 1, 2023
Donat Toma
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Sep 5, 2021
Fatjon Çollari
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 16, 2021
Albin Prapashtica
- arrow_back loan
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 1, 2021
Donat Toma
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 20, 2021
Odi Henry Chibuze
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 20, 2021
Qëndrim Dautaj
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 8, 2021
Dardan Rogova
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 8, 2021
Dardan Rugova
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 1, 2020
Qëndrim Dautaj
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 8, 2019
Fatjon Çollari
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 1, 2019
Kushtrim Gashi
- arrow_forward free
KF Ballkani
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2019
Ilir Syla
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2019
Altik Muhaxhiri
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2019
Jeton Dushi
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jun 18, 2019
Tun Bardhoku
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 5, 2019
Flamur Bajrami
- arrow_forward free
KF Llapi
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 14, 2018
Granit Osmanollaj
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 1, 2018
Besnik Krasniqi
- arrow_forward free
KF Ballkani
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 1, 2018
Atdhe Grajqevci
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2018
Getoar Dragusha
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Feb 1, 2018
Samir Sahiti
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Feb 1, 2018
Asare Richard
- arrow_back loan
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 19, 2018
Flamur Bajrami
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 18, 2018
Atdhe Grajqevci
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 18, 2018
Burim Qorri
- arrow_back free
KF Feronikeli
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 17, 2018
Besnik Krasniqi
- arrow_back free
KF Llapi
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 5, 2018
Albutrint Morina
- arrow_forward free
KF Feronikeli
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 1, 2018
Odi Henry Chibuze
- arrow_back loan
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 1, 2018
Gentian Mazrekaj
- arrow_back loan
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 1, 2017
Granit Osmanollaj
- arrow_back free
Tërbuni Pukë
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2017
Samir Sahiti
- arrow_back free
Trepça Mitrovicë
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2017
Paolo Ivani
- arrow_back loan
Skënderbeu Korçë
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2017
Getoar Dragusha
- arrow_back free
KF Llapi
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 26, 2016
Flamur Bajrami
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 22, 2016
Nazif Mulaku
- arrow_forward free
KF Llapi
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2016
Egzon Gashi
- arrow_back free
KF Feronikeli
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2016
Kushtrim Gashi
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2016
Liridon Zariqi
- arrow_forward free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2016
Dardan Rogova
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2016
Dardan Rugova
- arrow_back free
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 19, 2016
Nazif Mulaku
- arrow_back free
Kosova Vushtrri
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 1, 2016
Yll Myrta
- arrow_back free
Besa Pejë
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jan 1, 2016
Liridon Zariqi
- arrow_back free
KF Feronikeli
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2015
Yll Myrta
- arrow_forward free
Besa Pejë
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Jul 1, 2015
Mevlan Zeka
- arrow_forward free
KF Feronikeli
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
- Aug 20, 2014
Admir Mehja
- arrow_forward free
Besëlidhja Lezhë
- Transfer (23.01.2023)
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Whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard supporter, Footy Amigo is the perfect tool for staying up-to-date with all the fixtures for Vëllaznimi.
Keeping track of the table standings for Vëllaznimi has never been easier, thanks to Footy Amigo! Our innovative platform provides real-time information on the current standings for your favourite team, as well as for all the other teams in the league. Whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard supporter, Footy Amigo has everything you need to stay up-to-date with the latest table standings.
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If you're looking for the most accurate and up-to-date predictions and betting tips for Manchester United, then Footy Amigo is the perfect platform for you. With its cutting-edge big data and AI system, Footy Amigo provides the most reliable information and insights available.
Are you a die-hard Vëllaznimi fan looking for the latest stats, head-to-head information, and other data on your favorite team? Look no further than Footy Amigo! This innovative platform provides real-time information and insights on all things Vëllaznimi.
With Footy Amigo, you can access comprehensive statistics on the latest fixtures and games for Vëllaznimi, including player performance, team dynamics, and head-to-head information. The platform provides an in-depth analysis of the team's recent games, so you can get a better understanding of their form and make informed decisions.
If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest stats, head-to-head information, and other data, then Footy Amigo is the perfect platform for you. With its comprehensive analysis and user-friendly interface, Footy Amigo provides the ultimate tool for any football fan. So, log into Footy Amigo today and start exploring!