team logo
  • Date
  • Player
  • Type
  • From / To
  • Jul 24, 2024
  • ar Leandro Nicolás Zabala
  • arrow_back loan
  • Colón
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2024
  • pe Frank Charles Aivar Hidalgo
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 14, 2024
  • pe Gonzalo Gabriel Sánchez Franco
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2024
  • pe Brackzon Henry León Canchanya
  • arrow_forward free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2024
  • pe Diego Alberto Espinoza Atoche
  • arrow_forward free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2024
  • pe Pedro Giampier De La Cruz Espinoza
  • arrow_forward free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2024
  • pe Eduardo Cabrera
  • arrow_back loan
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe José Guillermo Hilario Rivera
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • pe Said Peralta
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 4, 2024
  • pe Aldair Edu Ccorahua Barboza
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 3, 2024
  • pe Juan Delgado
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2024
  • pe José Fernando Zevallos Villanueva
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2023
  • pe José Guillermo Hilario Rivera
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 18, 2023
  • pe Dick Marvin Rios Bernales
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2023
  • pe Ronald Bryce Vega Guzmán
  • arrow_back loan
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 13, 2023
  • pe Sebastián Gonzáles Zela
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 8, 2023
  • pe Minzún Nelinho Quina Asín
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Binacional
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2023
  • pe Gonzalo Gabriel Sánchez Franco
  • arrow_back free
  • FC Emmen
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2023
  • pe José Fernando Zevallos Villanueva
  • arrow_back free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2023
  • pe Diego Alberto Espinoza Atoche
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2023
  • pe Francisco José Bustamante Abad
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • pe Jean Escalante
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Binacional
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 15, 2023
  • pe Francisco Elías Duclós Flores
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 10, 2023
  • pe José María Ataupillco Portal
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 10, 2023
  • pe Brackzon Henry León Canchanya
  • arrow_back free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 10, 2023
  • pe Yordan Hernando Moisés Quintanilla Cáceres
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 9, 2023
  • pe Robert Rogelio Ardiles Fernández
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 7, 2023
  • uy Cristian Rafael Techera Cribelli
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cerro Largo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe José Andre Guidino Otero
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Pedro Giampier De La Cruz Espinoza
  • arrow_back free
  • ADT
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Bryan Javier Molina Flores
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Luis Miguel Rodríguez Paulet
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2023
  • pe Juan Gustavo Waldemar Morales Coronado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • uy Pablo Nicolás Royón Silvera
  • arrow_forward free
  • La Luz
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 3, 2023
  • pe Jack Forsith Carhuallanqui Navarro
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2023
  • pe José Antonio Parodi Colunga
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Garcilaso
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2023
  • uy Gerardo Sebastián Gularte Fros
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alvarado
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Edinson José Chávez Quiñónez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Héctor Aldair Salazar Tejada
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Garcilaso
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Italo Estuard Regalado Algendones
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Andy Gabriel Vidal Chihuán
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Enmanuel Jesús Páucar Reyes
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Garcilaso
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Ítalo Espinoza Gómez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Santiago Edgardo Rebagliati Patroni
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe David Josue Dioses Agurto
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Garcilaso
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Jorge Jair Toledo Bravo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Jesús Alexander Mendieta Rojas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2022
  • pe Aryan Issait Romaní Velasco
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 10, 2022
  • mx Othoniel Arce Jaramillo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Malacateco
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 8, 2022
  • uy Gerardo Sebastián Gularte Fros
  • arrow_back free
  • Atlético Bucaramanga
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 7, 2022
  • pe David Josue Dioses Agurto
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 18, 2022
  • ar Maximiliano Cavallotti
  • arrow_forward free
  • Ciudad de Bolívar
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 15, 2022
  • uy Guillermo Pablo Firpo Marrone
  • arrow_forward free
  • Villa Española
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 28, 2022
  • pe Marcos Abner Delgado Campos
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 23, 2022
  • uy Guillermo Pablo Firpo Marrone
  • arrow_forward free
  • Progreso
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Pedro Casique Fernández
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2022
  • uy Hugo Alejandro Magallanes Silveira
  • arrow_back loan
  • Querétaro
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2022
  • pe Carlos Daniel Meza Villa
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • uy Pablo Damián Lavandeira Hernández
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • ar Carlos Javier Beltrán Neroni
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Juan Gustavo Waldemar Morales Coronado
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Edinson José Chávez Quiñónez
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Joaquín Aldaír Aguirre Luza
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Janio Carlo Pósito Olazábal
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe José Andre Guidino Otero
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Santiago Edgardo Rebagliati Patroni
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Francisco Elías Duclós Flores
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Roberto Daniel Villamarín Mora
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • uy Pablo Nicolás Royón Silvera
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • uy Cristian Rafael Techera Cribelli
  • arrow_back free
  • Atenas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • uy Leandro Sosa Toranza
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Jorge Jair Toledo Bravo
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Luis Enrique Carranza Vargas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Sebastián Gonzáles Zela
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • ar Eric Hernán Barrios
  • arrow_back free
  • Juventud
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Aryan Issait Romaní Velasco
  • arrow_back free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 10, 2021
  • uy Gonzalo Sebastián Papa Palleiro
  • arrow_forward free
  • Albion
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 3, 2021
  • uy Hugo Fernando Souza Días
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Maldonado
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2021
  • pe Exar Javier Rosales Sánchez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 30, 2021
  • pe Joe Ayrton Iparraguirre Padilla
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 24, 2021
  • uy Maximiliano Callorda Lafont
  • arrow_forward free
  • Albion
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 4, 2021
  • ar Gonzalo Lucero
  • arrow_forward free
  • Club Atlético Güemes
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2021
  • pe Exar Javier Rosales Sánchez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 16, 2021
  • ar Maximiliano Cavallotti
  • arrow_back free
  • Central Norte
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2021
  • mx Othoniel Arce Jaramillo
  • arrow_back free
  • Melgar
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 12, 2021
  • ar Carlos Javier Beltrán Neroni
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 11, 2021
  • pe Mauricio Alejandro Montes Sanguinetti
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 11, 2021
  • pe Diego Alejandro Minaya Naters
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 11, 2021
  • pe Enmanuel Jesús Páucar Reyes
  • arrow_back free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Marcos Abner Delgado Campos
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Italo Estuard Regalado Algendones
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Joao de Jesús Villamarín Antúnez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Joaquín Aldaír Aguirre Luza
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Janio Carlo Pósito Olazábal
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Jesús Alexander Mendieta Rojas
  • arrow_back free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Luis Enrique Alvarez Valdivia
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Héctor Aldair Salazar Tejada
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Alexis Cossío Zamora
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Ángel Gustavo Zamudio Chávez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Ítalo Espinoza Gómez
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Jorge Salvador Murrugarra Torres
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2021
  • uy Pablo Damián Lavandeira Hernández
  • arrow_back free
  • Audax Italiano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2021
  • uy Guillermo Pablo Firpo Marrone
  • arrow_back free
  • Liverpool
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 5, 2021
  • pe Roberto Daniel Villamarín Mora
  • arrow_back free
  • Atlas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 4, 2021
  • pe Carlos Dante Olascuaga Viera
  • arrow_back free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 4, 2021
  • pe B. García Tsuchikame
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 15, 2020
  • pe Jack Cirilo Silva
  • arrow_forward free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2020
  • pe Iván Leonardo Cruz Navarro
  • arrow_forward free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 29, 2020
  • ar Gonzalo Lucero
  • arrow_back free
  • Alvarado
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 1, 2020
  • pe Luis Miguel Rodríguez Paulet
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 28, 2020
  • pe Anthony Tadashi Aoki Nakama
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Carlos Dante Olascuaga Viera
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • co Carlos Alberto Preciado Benítez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • uy Maximiliano Callorda Lafont
  • arrow_back free
  • Rentistas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • us Ernest Nungaray Arce
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Luis Enrique Trujillo Ortiz
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Minzún Nelinho Quina Asín
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Tarek Brahan Carranza Terry
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Óscar Alexander Guerra Maldonado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Luis Enrique Alvarez Valdivia
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Alexis Cossío Zamora
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Joao de Jesús Villamarín Antúnez
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Carlos Alfonso Grados Heredia
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Aldair Perleche Romero
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Cristian Adrián Mejía Quintanilla
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Ángel Gustavo Zamudio Chávez
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • uy Gonzalo Sebastián Papa Palleiro
  • arrow_back free
  • Agropecuario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Jorge Salvador Murrugarra Torres
  • arrow_back free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • uy Leandro Sosa Toranza
  • arrow_back free
  • Progreso
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Fabio Renato Rojas Prieto
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Diego Alberto Espinoza Atoche
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Erick Alfredo Canales Colunga
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Roberto Daniel Villamarín Mora
  • arrow_back loan
  • Atlas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2020
  • ar Juan Manuel Leroyer
  • arrow_forward free
  • Santa Lucia
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 13, 2019
  • co Hanyer Luis Mosquera Córdoba
  • arrow_back free
  • Rionegro Águilas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 13, 2019
  • pe Andree Felipe Cruz Llalle
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 4, 2019
  • pe Marcos Abner Delgado Campos
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 26, 2019
  • pe José María Alberto Inga Guerrero
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 5, 2019
  • pe Jack Cirilo Silva
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 2, 2019
  • pe Iván Leonardo Cruz Navarro
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2019
  • pe José Aurelio Gonzáles Vigil Bentín
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 24, 2019
  • pe Victor Alfonso Rossel Del Mar
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 23, 2019
  • pe Sidney Enrique Faiffer Ames
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Wilmer Alexander Aguirre Vazquez
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • py Alejandro Nicolás Martínez Ramos
  • arrow_back loan
  • Independiente FBC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • co Carlos Alberto Preciado Benítez
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • py Rolando Marciano Bogado Vásquez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Marcos Abner Delgado Campos
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Diego Alejandro Minaya Naters
  • arrow_back free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Christian Joseph Laura Senaga
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Binacional
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Luis Enrique Trujillo Ortiz
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Exar Javier Rosales Sánchez
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Óscar Alexander Guerra Maldonado
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Gianfranco Castellanos Conde
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Juan Augusto Barreda Bellido
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Brayan Gustavo Arana Camarena
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Carlos Alfonso Grados Heredia
  • arrow_back free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Juan Raúl Neira Medina
  • arrow_forward free
  • Atlético Grau
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe José Anthony Rosell Delgado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Juan Carlos Pérez Banda
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Stalin Samuel Morales Quispe
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Jesús Alexander Mendieta Rojas
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Luis Enrique Carranza Vargas
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Kevin Armando Sandoval Laynes
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 27, 2018
  • pe Ítalo Espinoza Gómez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 13, 2018
  • pe Marcos Armando Ortíz Lovera
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 17, 2018
  • pe Josimar Jair Atoche Bances
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 6, 2018
  • pe Jankarlo De los Santos Chirinos Tello
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfredo Salinas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Eduardo Israel Kahn Gómez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Iván Christopher Chumpitáz Blas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Hairo José Camacho Cumpa
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Arón Bernal Abensur
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Gu Rum Choi Guevara
  • arrow_forward loan
  • Alfredo Salinas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2018
  • pe Paolo Pablo César Joya Ricci
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfredo Salinas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2018
  • pe Carlos Alberto Orejuela Pita
  • arrow_forward free
  • César Vallejo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2018
  • pe Brayan Gustavo Arana Camarena
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2018
  • pe Stalin Samuel Morales Quispe
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 13, 2018
  • pe Raul Penalillo Cotito
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 27, 2018
  • py Mario Eduardo Villasanti Adorno
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2018
  • pe Victor Alfonso Rossel Del Mar
  • arrow_back free
  • Atlético Venezuela
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2018
  • pe Juan Carlos Pérez Banda
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2018
  • pe Carlos Jairsinho Gonzáles Ávalos
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • co Jhon Adolfo Obregón Quiñónez
  • arrow_back free
  • Birkirkara
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • py Rolando Marciano Bogado Vásquez
  • arrow_back free
  • Independiente FBC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Mauricio Alejandro Montes Sanguinetti
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Wadid Jesús Arismendi Lazo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe César Andrés Ortiz Castillo
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Henry Jorge Colán Díaz
  • arrow_forward free
  • César Vallejo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Robert Rogelio Ardiles Fernández
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Willyan Junior Mimbela Cáceres
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Tarek Brahan Carranza Terry
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Junior Jesús Huerta Salazar
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Juan Gustavo Waldemar Morales Coronado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Juan Augusto Barreda Bellido
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Andy Gabriel Vidal Chihuán
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Aldair Perleche Romero
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Cristian Adrián Mejía Quintanilla
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Ítalo Espinoza Gómez
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe José Anthony Rosell Delgado
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Bryan Jair Canela Mestanza
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2018
  • pe Jesús Alexander Mendieta Rojas
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2017
  • pe Jankarlo De los Santos Chirinos Tello
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2017
  • pe Víctor Alberto Eugenio Ormeño
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 25, 2017
  • co Fabián Andrés González Lasso
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 17, 2017
  • pe Augusto Leonel Solís Ramírez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 10, 2017
  • pe Manuel Eduardo Tenchy Ugáz Nemotto
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 9, 2017
  • pe José Aurelio Gonzáles Vigil Bentín
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 1, 2017
  • pe Josimar Jair Atoche Bances
  • arrow_back free
  • Górnik Łęczna
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2017
  • pe Osnar Noronha Montani
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 26, 2017
  • py Ángel Reinaldo Orué Echevarría
  • arrow_forward free
  • Rubio Ñú
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2017
  • pe Luis Enrique Carranza Vargas
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2017
  • pe Kevin Armando Sandoval Laynes
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • ar Marcos Emiliano Pirchio
  • arrow_back free
  • Wilstermann
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • co Fabián Andrés González Lasso
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Áncash
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Giancarlo Carmona Maldonado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Wadid Jesús Arismendi Lazo
  • arrow_back free
  • Melgar
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Manuel Eduardo Tenchy Ugáz Nemotto
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Néstor Alonso Duarte Carassa
  • arrow_forward free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Juan Carlos Nakaya Taira
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Coopsol
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Eduardo Israel Kahn Gómez
  • arrow_back free
  • Defensor La Bocana
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Willyan Junior Mimbela Cáceres
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Iván Christopher Chumpitáz Blas
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe César Manuel Medina Losada
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Junior Jesús Huerta Salazar
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Juan Gustavo Waldemar Morales Coronado
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Carlos Jairsinho Gonzáles Ávalos
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Gianfranco Castellanos Conde
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Áncash
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Juan Augusto Barreda Bellido
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Marcos Armando Ortíz Lovera
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Víctor Alberto Eugenio Ormeño
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Brayan Gustavo Arana Camarena
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Hairo José Camacho Cumpa
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Jean Pierre Archimbaud Arriarán
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Gerson Gustavo Valladares Rodríguez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Giorman Ronaldo Goyzueta Fajardo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Cristian Adrián Mejía Quintanilla
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Mario Kazuma Tajima López
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Augusto Leonel Solís Ramírez
  • arrow_back free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2016
  • py Alfredo Carlos Mazacotte Huamaní
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Capiatá
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2016
  • pe César Manuel Medina Losada
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Loreto
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2016
  • pe Ray Jesús Gómez Carreño
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 10, 2015
  • pe Jorge Luis Molina Cabrera
  • arrow_back loan
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 29, 2014
  • ar Damián Oscar Luna
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Andes
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 10, 2013
  • ar Damián Oscar Luna
  • arrow_back free
  • Defensor Sporting
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2013
  • co Gustavo Andrés Victoria Rave
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Pereira
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2013
  • co Jhon Jairo Palacios Granja
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Pasto
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2013
  • co Oscar Javier Móvil Castillo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Fortaleza CEIF
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2013
  • pe Amilton Jair Prado
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 14, 2012
  • co Jordan Palacios Aguilar
  • arrow_back loan
  • Defensor Sporting
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2012
  • py Richard Mariano Estigarribia Ortega
  • arrow_back free
  • Independiente del Valle
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2012
  • co Jhon Jairo Palacios Granja
  • arrow_back free
  • Motagua
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2012
  • co Humberto Segundo Osorio Botello
  • arrow_forward free
  • Millonarios
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2012
  • co Oscar Javier Móvil Castillo
  • arrow_back free
  • Sucre
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2012
  • py Mario Eduardo Villasanti Adorno
  • arrow_back free
  • Sportivo Luqueño
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2011
  • co Marlon José Negrete Martínez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Magdalena
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2011
  • co Humberto Segundo Osorio Botello
  • arrow_back free
  • Cúcuta Deportivo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2010
  • pe Raul Penalillo Cotito
  • arrow_forward loan
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
Ayacucho Fixtures

Footy Amigo is the ultimate platform for all football fans, especially those who are looking to stay up-to-date with the fixtures of their favourite team. If you're a fan of Ayacucho, then Footy Amigo is the perfect tool for you. With this platform, you can easily find all the past and future fixtures for your team, all in one convenient location.

With Footy Amigo, you don't have to scour the internet for information on your team's fixtures. All you have to do is log into the platform and you'll have access to a comprehensive list of fixtures, including the date, time, and venue for each match. Whether you're looking for information on recent games or you want to keep track of upcoming fixtures, Footy Amigo has everything you need.

In addition to providing information on fixtures, Footy Amigo also offers detailed match reports and analysis. You can read expert opinions on the performance of your favourite team and get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

Whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard supporter, Footy Amigo is the perfect tool for staying up-to-date with all the fixtures for Ayacucho.

Ayacucho Standings

Keeping track of the table standings for Ayacucho has never been easier, thanks to Footy Amigo! Our innovative platform provides real-time information on the current standings for your favourite team, as well as for all the other teams in the league. Whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard supporter, Footy Amigo has everything you need to stay up-to-date with the latest table standings.

With Footy Amigo, you can quickly and easily see where Ayacucho stands in the league, as well as the latest stats on their performance. You can see the number of wins, losses, draws, and the goal difference, all in one convenient location. The platform also provides a detailed breakdown of the team's recent games, so you can get a better understanding of their form.

Ayacucho Predictions Today

Are you tired of relying on gut feelings and unreliable sources for your Ayacucho predictions and betting tips? Look no further than Footy Amigo! This innovative platform leverages big data and AI to provide the most accurate and up-to-date predictions and betting tips for your favorite team.

Footy Amigo uses a cutting-edge big data and AI system to analyze vast amounts of data and provide you with the latest information and insights on Ayacucho. This system takes into account numerous factors, including player performance, team dynamics, and historical data, to provide the most accurate predictions and betting tips available.

If you're looking for the most accurate and up-to-date predictions and betting tips for Manchester United, then Footy Amigo is the perfect platform for you. With its cutting-edge big data and AI system, Footy Amigo provides the most reliable information and insights available.

Ayacucho Stats, H2H & More

Are you a die-hard Ayacucho fan looking for the latest stats, head-to-head information, and other data on your favorite team? Look no further than Footy Amigo! This innovative platform provides real-time information and insights on all things Ayacucho.

With Footy Amigo, you can access comprehensive statistics on the latest fixtures and games for Ayacucho, including player performance, team dynamics, and head-to-head information. The platform provides an in-depth analysis of the team's recent games, so you can get a better understanding of their form and make informed decisions.

If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest stats, head-to-head information, and other data, then Footy Amigo is the perfect platform for you. With its comprehensive analysis and user-friendly interface, Footy Amigo provides the ultimate tool for any football fan. So, log into Footy Amigo today and start exploring!

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