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Deportivo Coopsol
  • Date
  • Player
  • Type
  • From / To
  • Aug 31, 2024
  • pe Farihd André Ortega Barquero
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 16, 2024
  • pe Fabriccio Butrón Morán
  • arrow_forward free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 9, 2024
  • co Yeison Mena Palacios
  • arrow_back free
  • Caracas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 9, 2024
  • pe Joel Alejandro Quispe Alarcon
  • arrow_back free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 9, 2024
  • co Cristian Yesid Lasso Lucumí
  • arrow_forward free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 9, 2024
  • co Jeferson Collazos Viveros
  • arrow_forward free
  • UCV Moquegua
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 1, 2024
  • pe Oliver Rivera
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 1, 2024
  • pe Ramón Jesús Rengifo Domínguez
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 1, 2024
  • pe Jesús Alexander Piero Reyes Espinoza
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 1, 2024
  • pe Carlos Daniel Meza Villa
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 20, 2024
  • pe Luis Gabriel García Uribe
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2024
  • pe Víctor Manuel Bazán Moreno
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Binacional
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2024
  • pe Fabriccio Butrón Morán
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Carlos Jairsinho Gonzáles Ávalos
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportiva Agropecuaria
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Christian Edgardo Adrianzén Gómez
  • arrow_forward free
  • San Marcos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Carlos Javier Flores Córdova
  • arrow_forward free
  • UCV Moquegua
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Brian Robert Edson Bernaola Acosta
  • arrow_forward free
  • San Marcos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe José Diego Gómez Villaizán
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Vlademir Franklin Carbonel Pizán
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • co Cristian Yesid Lasso Lucumí
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • us Jean Carlo Olivares Uccelli
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Alejandro Miguel Alcalá Arriarán
  • arrow_back free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Benjamín Ubierna Barandiarán
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Juan Jerardo Mayo Oliva
  • arrow_back free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Jair Ayrton Córdova Carpio
  • arrow_back free
  • Alfonso Ugarte Puno
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Piero Luis Ratto Caballero
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Sebastián André Rojas Quesada
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Christian André Sánchez Soto
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2024
  • pe Arthur Alexander Gutiérrez Inga
  • arrow_back free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • pe Axel Marcelo Gadea Fernández
  • arrow_forward free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • pe Joseph Olivera
  • arrow_forward free
  • San Marcos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • pe José Ignacio Marina Bernaola
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • pe Richard Eusebio Chávez Chonate
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 26, 2024
  • pe Roger Rodrigo Chinga Ramírez
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 23, 2024
  • co Jeferson Collazos Viveros
  • arrow_back free
  • Hermanos Colmenares
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2024
  • pe Williams Aldair Guzmán Vargas
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 16, 2024
  • pe Sebastián Gonzáles Zela
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2024
  • pe Giancarlo Antonio Peña Herrera
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 5, 2024
  • pe Jeremy Jair Salas Alvarado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2024
  • pe Luis Enrique Cano Palma
  • arrow_forward free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2024
  • pe Kenji Fidel Barrios Li
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2024
  • pe Luis Melquiades García Escate
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 2, 2024
  • pe Denilson Gonzáles Perlado
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2024
  • ar Facundo Reynoso
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sansinena
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 28, 2023
  • pe Vaughn Elber Chase Villanueva Siguas
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 27, 2023
  • ar Brian Josué Noriega
  • arrow_back free
  • Ferro Carril Oeste LP
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 22, 2023
  • pe Rodrigo Efraín Robles Jerónimo
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 18, 2023
  • pe Dick Marvin Rios Bernales
  • arrow_forward free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • pe Giancarlo Antonio Peña Herrera
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Huancayo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • pe Pier Antonio Larrauri Conroy
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • pe Brian Robert Edson Bernaola Acosta
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • pe Jeremy Jair Salas Alvarado
  • arrow_back free
  • Alfonso Ugarte Puno
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • pe Luis Enrique Cano Palma
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • pe Víctor Manuel Bazán Moreno
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 13, 2023
  • pe Sebastián Gonzáles Zela
  • arrow_back free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2023
  • pe Orlando Alonso Cúneo Lara
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • pe Luis Leonardo Valverde Ledesma
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • pe Walter Fernando Leguía Pariona
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • pe Piero Alessandro Becerra Mejía
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2023
  • pe Richar Erisson Bazán Castillo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 10, 2023
  • pe Iván Christopher Chumpitáz Blas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 10, 2023
  • pe Gliden Jaroslav Dubois Makarova
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 10, 2023
  • pe Vlademir Franklin Carbonel Pizán
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Omar Ernesto Reyes Burga
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Amílcar Raí Caña Cabello
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • ar Facundo Reynoso
  • arrow_back free
  • Instituto
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Eduardo Israel Kahn Gómez
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Carlos Jairsinho Gonzáles Ávalos
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Giovanny Cristoffer Morales Moreno
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Nelson Eduardo Chaparro Belapatiño
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Christian Edgardo Adrianzén Gómez
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Farihd Jasaui Peirano
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Juan Paolo Bustamante Requena
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Luis Humberto Aguirre Soto
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfonso Ugarte Puno
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Luis Melquiades García Escate
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Denilson Gonzáles Perlado
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Cesar Enrique Barco Bozzeta
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2023
  • pe Kenji Fidel Barrios Li
  • arrow_back free
  • Santos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2023
  • pe Frank Charles Aivar Hidalgo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2023
  • ec Abel Alberto Casquete Rodríguez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2023
  • pe Gustavo Romario Aliaga Romero
  • arrow_forward free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 9, 2022
  • pe Edson Robert Ávila Armas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • co Rodin Jair Quiñónes Rentería
  • arrow_back free
  • Atlético Bucaramanga
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • pe Omar Ernesto Reyes Burga
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • pe Gliden Jaroslav Dubois Makarova
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • pe Luis Leonardo Valverde Ledesma
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • pe Daniel Alexander Reyes Buenaño
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • pe Anthony Alexander Morales Balbín
  • arrow_forward free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2022
  • ec Carlos Javier Caicedo Preciado
  • arrow_back free
  • Guayaquil
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jun 10, 2022
  • pe Segundo Henry Acevedo Arana
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • May 14, 2022
  • pe Jorge Cristopher Agüero Pozo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2022
  • pe Walter Junior Vasquez Rios
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 29, 2022
  • pe Christian Martín Flores Córdova
  • arrow_back loan
  • Universitario
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 20, 2022
  • pe Ronald Bryce Vega Guzmán
  • arrow_back loan
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 20, 2022
  • pe Ramón Jesús Rengifo Domínguez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2022
  • ec Abel Alberto Casquete Rodríguez
  • arrow_back free
  • Guayaquil City
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2022
  • pe Jorge Martín Arteaga
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 17, 2022
  • co Yony Javier Angulo Viveros
  • arrow_back free
  • Carabobo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 17, 2022
  • pe Edson Robert Ávila Armas
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 17, 2022
  • pe Frank Charles Aivar Hidalgo
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 17, 2022
  • pe Walter Hugo Zevallos Vergaray
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 17, 2022
  • co José Luis Sanabria Valencia
  • arrow_back free
  • Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 15, 2022
  • pe Anthony Alexander Morales Balbín
  • arrow_back free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 15, 2022
  • pe Emile Patricio Franco Vernooy
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • pe Fabrián Piero Caytuiro Canaval
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2022
  • pe Juan Enrique Tuesta Macedo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 26, 2022
  • pe Jeremy Giordano Aguirre Miñán
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Binacional
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 17, 2022
  • pe Richar Erisson Bazán Castillo
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • ar Maximiliano Zárate Fagiuolo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Christian Joseph Laura Senaga
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe José Luis Granda Bravo
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfonso Ugarte Puno
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Dick Marvin Rios Bernales
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Diego Armando Otoya Grández
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Segundo Henry Acevedo Arana
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Héctor Sebastián Bravo Quispe
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Keyvin Rubén Paico Dios
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfonso Ugarte Puno
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Luis Humberto Aguirre Soto
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 15, 2022
  • pe Orlando Alonso Cúneo Lara
  • arrow_back free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Alonso Tamariz Ramírez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Dec 15, 2021
  • pe Robinson Esteban Alzamora Lloclla
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 15, 2021
  • pe Félix Eduardo Espinoza Vega
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • May 17, 2021
  • pe Jorge Adolfo Bosmediano Carrasco
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • May 1, 2021
  • pe Juan Gilberto Goyoneche Carrasco
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • May 1, 2021
  • co Yilber Steven Aponzá Carabalí
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 15, 2021
  • ar Franco Thomas Delfante
  • arrow_forward free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2021
  • pe Leonel Marcelo Ormeño Flores
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 15, 2021
  • pe Juan Enrique Tuesta Macedo
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • ar Maximiliano Zárate Fagiuolo
  • arrow_back free
  • Comunicaciones
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Victor Alfonso Rossel Del Mar
  • arrow_back free
  • Atlético Grau
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Gustavo Romario Aliaga Romero
  • arrow_back free
  • Carlos Stein
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Pedro Guillermo Gutiérrez Montero
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Ramón Jesús Rengifo Domínguez
  • arrow_back free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Keyvin Rubén Paico Dios
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • uy Facundo Maximiliano Moreira Burgos
  • arrow_back free
  • Cerro
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Félix Eduardo Espinoza Vega
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Llacuabamba
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Alonso Tamariz Ramírez
  • arrow_back free
  • Juan Aurich
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Alvaro Fabián Bravo Sánchez
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Walter Junior Vasquez Rios
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Walter Hugo Zevallos Vergaray
  • arrow_back free
  • Universidad San Martín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Renzo Alexander Galindo Morán
  • arrow_back free
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 10, 2021
  • pe Walter Fernando Leguía Pariona
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 7, 2021
  • pe José Ignacio Marina Bernaola
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2021
  • pe Jeremy Giordano Aguirre Miñán
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2021
  • pe Luis Humberto Aguirre Soto
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2021
  • pe Eduardo Israel Kahn Gómez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 10, 2021
  • pe Daniel Tarazona
  • arrow_back loan
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2021
  • pe Jesús Branco Geraldo Serrano Aguirre
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2021
  • pe Piero Joel Serra Aguilar
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2020
  • pe Gonzalo Enrique Gambetta Chumpitaz
  • arrow_back free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2020
  • pe Piero Joel Serra Aguilar
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2020
  • pe Walter Fernando Leguía Pariona
  • arrow_back loan
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 28, 2020
  • co Jhonny Mena Palacios
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 21, 2020
  • pe Brian Robert Edson Bernaola Acosta
  • arrow_forward free
  • Atlético Grau
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2020
  • pe Crifford Matthew Seminario Grados
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2020
  • pe Leonel Esteban Valencia Valle
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 8, 2020
  • pe Brayan Gustavo Arana Camarena
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2020
  • pe Aldair Aaron Bravo Sánchez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Chavelines Juniors
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Carlos Jairsinho Gonzáles Ávalos
  • arrow_forward free
  • Atlético Grau
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 6, 2020
  • pe Pedro Guillermo Gutiérrez Montero
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 13, 2019
  • pe Carlos Jairsinho Gonzáles Ávalos
  • arrow_back free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 28, 2019
  • ar Damián Jesús Arnold
  • arrow_forward free
  • Unión Sunchales
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 23, 2019
  • pe Diego Armando Mayora Rengifo
  • arrow_back free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 1, 2019
  • pe Leonel Esteban Valencia Valle
  • arrow_back free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 17, 2019
  • pe Héctor Miguel Campos López
  • arrow_back loan
  • Independiente Medellín
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 8, 2019
  • pe Aldair Aaron Bravo Sánchez
  • arrow_back loan
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • co Mauricio Mafla Urrutia
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • co Jonathan Antonio Palacios Lucas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Wálter Ricardo Vílchez Soto
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • py Carlos Alberto Pérez Alcaráz
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Daniel Alexander Reyes Buenaño
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Iván Christopher Chumpitáz Blas
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Pedro Guillermo Gutiérrez Montero
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Brayan Gustavo Arana Camarena
  • arrow_back free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Arón Bernal Abensur
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Juan Paolo Bustamante Requena
  • arrow_forward free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • uy Enzo Araciel Borges Couto
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Danny Salvador Kong Ramos
  • arrow_back free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Pedro Christian Bautista Zulueta
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Victoria
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Ichiro Michael Plasencia Ishikawa
  • arrow_forward free
  • Atlético Grau
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Jonathan Armando Espinoza Panduro
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Victoria
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Diego Alexander del Castillo Reátegui
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Junior Jesús Casanova Altamirano
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Alessandro Stein Santiváñez
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • uy Santiago Ciganda Forni
  • arrow_back free
  • Cerro
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Kevin Brando Rossell López
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Paolo Camilo Izaguirre Ferreyra
  • arrow_forward free
  • Molinos El Pirata
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Carlos Aldair Gómez Urrutia
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Lima
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Alvaro Yoshiaki Laura Senaga
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Hugo Jhairton Lescano Cordero
  • arrow_back free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 7, 2019
  • pe Ricardo Gerardo Junior Leiva Montenegro
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2018
  • co Jonathan Antonio Palacios Lucas
  • arrow_back free
  • Patriotas Boyacá
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 31, 2018
  • pe Gianfranco Chávez Massoni
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sporting Cristal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • May 17, 2018
  • pe José Luis Lozada Gamarra
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2018
  • br Josias Paulo Cardoso Júnior
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2018
  • pe José Alberto Corcuera Valdiviezo
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 28, 2018
  • uy Enzo Araciel Borges Couto
  • arrow_back free
  • Nacional Potosí
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • co Mauricio Mafla Urrutia
  • arrow_back free
  • Cúcuta Deportivo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Daniel Alexander Reyes Buenaño
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Caimanes
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Eduardo Israel Kahn Gómez
  • arrow_back free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Omar Ernesto Reyes Burga
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Carlo André Urquiaga Cabrera
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Arón Bernal Abensur
  • arrow_back free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Juan Paolo Bustamante Requena
  • arrow_back free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Manuel Yeferson Rivadeneira Cabrejos
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Pedro Christian Bautista Zulueta
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Ichiro Michael Plasencia Ishikawa
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Caimanes
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Neldo Alessio Mario Rigacci Oblitas
  • arrow_forward free
  • Willy Serrato
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Jonathan Armando Espinoza Panduro
  • arrow_back free
  • Willy Serrato
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Ademar Guillermo Alder Robles Zevallos
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Áncash
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Diego Alexander del Castillo Reátegui
  • arrow_back free
  • César Vallejo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Kevin Brando Rossell López
  • arrow_back free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Paolo Camilo Izaguirre Ferreyra
  • arrow_back free
  • Defensor La Bocana
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2018
  • pe Brayan Luissinho Huacchillo Vergara
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Victoria
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 27, 2018
  • pe Víctor Alberto Eugenio Ormeño
  • arrow_forward free
  • Union Huaral
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 20, 2018
  • pe José Zurita Rodríguez
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 14, 2018
  • pe Carlos Alberto Barrena Fabián
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Loreto
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 14, 2018
  • pe Jean Franco Rodríguez Malpartida
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfredo Salinas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 13, 2018
  • pe Josshimar Armando Pacheco Morales
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alfredo Salinas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Feb 1, 2018
  • pe Wálter Ricardo Vílchez Soto
  • arrow_back free
  • César Vallejo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Sep 1, 2017
  • pe Víctor Alberto Eugenio Ormeño
  • arrow_back free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 23, 2017
  • pe Manuel Eduardo Millares Martínez
  • arrow_forward free
  • César Vallejo
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 18, 2017
  • pe Fischer Guevara Urbina
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Aug 9, 2017
  • pe Aldair Jean Pierre Ramos Ballarta
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2017
  • pe Kevin Adams Caraza De Acosta
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 28, 2017
  • pe Edson Gullit Salazar Magallanes
  • arrow_back free
  • Cusco FC
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • br Josias Paulo Cardoso Júnior
  • arrow_back free
  • Los Caimanes
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Renzo Emerson Benavides Reyna
  • arrow_forward free
  • Deportivo Hualgayoc
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Fischer Guevara Urbina
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Chankas
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Juan Carlos Nakaya Taira
  • arrow_forward free
  • Ayacucho
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Jorge Luis Molina Cabrera
  • arrow_forward free
  • Carlos Mannucci
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe José Luis Granda Bravo
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Loreto
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Gino Guerrero Lara
  • arrow_forward free
  • UTC Cajamarca
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe José Luis Lozada Gamarra
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Jack Robert Safra Montilla
  • arrow_forward free
  • Alianza Atlético
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Jean Franco Rodríguez Malpartida
  • arrow_back free
  • Unión Comercio
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Andrés Ota Tamashiro
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Áncash
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Bryan Jair Canela Mestanza
  • arrow_forward free
  • Academia Cantolao
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Manuel Yeferson Rivadeneira Cabrejos
  • arrow_back free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Yasser Avellaneda Diaz
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Áncash
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Waldir Apolonio Castro Zorrilla
  • arrow_forward free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • py Ariel David Conrad Agüero
  • arrow_forward free
  • Los Caimanes
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2017
  • pe Josshimar Armando Pacheco Morales
  • arrow_back free
  • Sport Áncash
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • May 1, 2016
  • pe Carlo André Urquiaga Cabrera
  • arrow_back loan
  • Deportivo Municipal
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Apr 1, 2016
  • pe Bryan Jair Canela Mestanza
  • arrow_back free
  • Cienciano
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2016
  • pe Manuel Angel Tejada Medina
  • arrow_forward free
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2016
  • pe Christian Joseph Laura Senaga
  • arrow_forward free
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 26, 2015
  • ar Nicolás Andrés Gianni
  • arrow_forward free
  • Gimnasia y Tiro
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2015
  • pe Manuel Alfredo Olaya Maker
  • arrow_back loan
  • Sport Boys
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2015
  • pe Paulo Augusto Campos Turriarte
  • arrow_forward loan
  • Alianza Universidad
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jan 1, 2015
  • pe Pablo José Oré Burgos
  • arrow_forward loan
  • Comerciantes Unidos
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Jul 1, 2014
  • ar Nicolás Andrés Gianni
  • arrow_back free
  • Fénix
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
  • Mar 1, 2012
  • pe Victor Jaime Muro Solis
  • arrow_forward free
  • Bolognesi
  • Transfer (23.01.2023)
Deportivo Coopsol Fixtures

Footy Amigo is the ultimate platform for all football fans, especially those who are looking to stay up-to-date with the fixtures of their favourite team. If you're a fan of Deportivo Coopsol, then Footy Amigo is the perfect tool for you. With this platform, you can easily find all the past and future fixtures for your team, all in one convenient location.

With Footy Amigo, you don't have to scour the internet for information on your team's fixtures. All you have to do is log into the platform and you'll have access to a comprehensive list of fixtures, including the date, time, and venue for each match. Whether you're looking for information on recent games or you want to keep track of upcoming fixtures, Footy Amigo has everything you need.

In addition to providing information on fixtures, Footy Amigo also offers detailed match reports and analysis. You can read expert opinions on the performance of your favourite team and get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.

Whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard supporter, Footy Amigo is the perfect tool for staying up-to-date with all the fixtures for Deportivo Coopsol.

Deportivo Coopsol Standings

Keeping track of the table standings for Deportivo Coopsol has never been easier, thanks to Footy Amigo! Our innovative platform provides real-time information on the current standings for your favourite team, as well as for all the other teams in the league. Whether you're a casual fan or a die-hard supporter, Footy Amigo has everything you need to stay up-to-date with the latest table standings.

With Footy Amigo, you can quickly and easily see where Deportivo Coopsol stands in the league, as well as the latest stats on their performance. You can see the number of wins, losses, draws, and the goal difference, all in one convenient location. The platform also provides a detailed breakdown of the team's recent games, so you can get a better understanding of their form.

Deportivo Coopsol Predictions Today

Are you tired of relying on gut feelings and unreliable sources for your Deportivo Coopsol predictions and betting tips? Look no further than Footy Amigo! This innovative platform leverages big data and AI to provide the most accurate and up-to-date predictions and betting tips for your favorite team.

Footy Amigo uses a cutting-edge big data and AI system to analyze vast amounts of data and provide you with the latest information and insights on Deportivo Coopsol. This system takes into account numerous factors, including player performance, team dynamics, and historical data, to provide the most accurate predictions and betting tips available.

If you're looking for the most accurate and up-to-date predictions and betting tips for Manchester United, then Footy Amigo is the perfect platform for you. With its cutting-edge big data and AI system, Footy Amigo provides the most reliable information and insights available.

Deportivo Coopsol Stats, H2H & More

Are you a die-hard Deportivo Coopsol fan looking for the latest stats, head-to-head information, and other data on your favorite team? Look no further than Footy Amigo! This innovative platform provides real-time information and insights on all things Deportivo Coopsol.

With Footy Amigo, you can access comprehensive statistics on the latest fixtures and games for Deportivo Coopsol, including player performance, team dynamics, and head-to-head information. The platform provides an in-depth analysis of the team's recent games, so you can get a better understanding of their form and make informed decisions.

If you want to stay up-to-date with the latest stats, head-to-head information, and other data, then Footy Amigo is the perfect platform for you. With its comprehensive analysis and user-friendly interface, Footy Amigo provides the ultimate tool for any football fan. So, log into Footy Amigo today and start exploring!

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